House Mouse
The adult house mouse is small: about 1-2 inches long, excluding
its tail. They have large ears, a pointed nose and small eyes. The tail
is as long as the head and body together. Its fur is typically a light
grey or brown.
They seek the warmth and cover of buildings for nesting sites and
They are identified from their dark droppings or damage to stored
foods, packaging or woodwork.
They can badly damage plastic water and gas pipes, electric cables,
packaging and woodwork. Mice have caused countless electrical fires
and floods.
Sealing entry points, which could involve a gap as little as 10mm,
or the diameter of a ball point pen. Removing the source of food and
finally destruction must be considered as part of a program of mouse
control. Poison bait and or "break back" traps should not
be considered as the first and only means of obtaining control against
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dealing with nuisance pests.