Brown Tail Moth
Treating Brown Tail
Moth requires a PA1 and PA6 certification; because they are found in the foliage
of certain plants, including Hawthorn, and fruit trees, such as Apple and Pear trees.
These hazardous pests are predominantly located in the South Eastern corner of the
country. They are deemed a serious public health pest. The long spiky hairs of the
larvae can cause serious skin irritation. The larval hairs are easily detached and
can be blown around in the wind, ending up attached to those working or playing
Painful rashes and breathing difficulties are caused by the barbed nature of the broken hairs becoming stuck in the skin and eyes. The hairs are not poisonous, but they can cause an allergic reaction. The hairs resist washing and brushing off.
This is a pest that requires a very careful and thorough treatment.

Contact us as our expertise helps us to help you. Health and safety is paramount when dealing with nuisance pests.