Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs can be found in multi-occupancy buildings
with a large resident turnover, such as hostels, holiday homes and
The adult resembles a small brown disc, about 3.5mm long. It is wingless
but the legs are well developed so it can crawl up most vertical surfaces,
such as bed legs. They also produce a characteristic unpleasant smell.
Bedbugs are a real pest to humans because they feed on our blood.
They feed mostly at night while we are asleep. Their bite can cause
severe local irritation and itching. There is also a possibility of
secondary infection. Where the infestation is very high there is a
minor risk of anaemia for humans.
A thorough inspection is necessary to establish the source and magnitude
of the bedbug infestation. They may have entered through second hand
furniture or could even be hiding under wallpaper, where they may
have lain unnoticed for several months.
Once found, they should be treated with a residual insecticide. Contaminated
bedding should be thoroughly washed. Infested mattresses and bed linen
should be inspected and in some cases simply removed from the building,
and carefully disposed of, to reduce the risk of potential future
sources of infestation.
When treating bed bugs the Exodus Ultra Low
Volume System machine helps to flush out the insects from their
harbourages, after the residual insecticide spray treatment has been
carried out, enabling re-entry to the treated area after only one
Contact us as our expertise
helps us to help you. Health and safety is paramount when dealing
with nuisance pests.