? Cockroache Control | Enviro Pest Solution


Cockroaches are recognized by their very long antennae and flat oval bodies. They have quick and erratic movement.

German Cockroach
The adult German cockroach is 10 to 15mm long. They are light brown in colour with two dark almost parallel longitudinal stripes on the pronotal shield.
The oothecae (eggs) are carried by the female until it is within 1 – 2 days of hatching. Once hatched they easily infest tiny cracks and crevices in the immediate area. They feed on the same type of food as the adult, making the establishment of an infestation extremely easy. They are extremely quick to take hold. The development of the young nymph through to the adult phase can be between 6 weeks to 6 months, based on the temperature and humidity of the environment within which this pest insect is developing.

The key to successful control of this cockroach species is simple - seek out the harbourage; as they aggregate together.

When treating cockroaches the Exodus Ultra Low Volume System machine helps to flush out the insects from their harbourages, after the residual insecticide spray treatment has been carried out, enabling re-entry to the treated area after only one hour.

Oriental Cockroach
The Oriental cockroach is 20 to 24mm long. Both sexe pest control east Sussexs are shiny and very dark brown, nearly black, in appearance. However, the young may be reddish-brown.

The female carries the oothecae for about 30 hours, after which she deposits them, dropping or attaching them near to a food source.
They hatch in about six weeks but this period may be greatly extended in cool conditions. In this situation the egg case represents a biological time bomb waiting to hatch and continue an infestation.

Cockroaches but can live around the heating ducts and boiler rooms of large centrally heated buildings like hospitals, bakeries, hotel and restaurant kitchens, laundries and blocks of flats. They also gather around pipes, stoves and sinks, especially in humid areas. These cochroaches are surprisingly hardy and have been found on frozen rubbish tips.

German and Oriental cockroaches eat any sort of food, contaminating food, cooking utensils, and food preparation surfaces. They contaminate food with an unpleasant smell and may be carriers of various diseases, including serious food poisoning.

Infestations are quickly established and difficult to control, because they increase in numbers quickly and cockroaches can survive without food or water long periods of time.

Once the source of infestation and the species identified, cockroaches can be controlled using baits, sticky traps, insecticide dusts, growth regulators and preventing further infestations.

When treating cockroaches the Exodus Ultra Low Volume System machine helps to flush out the insects from their harbourages, after the residual insecticide spray treatment has been carried out, enabling re-entry to the treated area after only one hour.

Checking after the treatment is crucial and re-treatment may be needed.

Contact us as our expertise helps us to help you. Health and safety is paramount when dealing with nuisance pests.