Cluster Fly
These are dark greyish flies about
8mm long with yellowish hairs on the back with over lapping wings.
They are slow moving when in flight and are a nuisance in the house.
If cluster flies have found their way into buildings to hibernate
they can be difficult to control, because they search out difficult
to reach spaces. It is essential to seal as many openings as possible
to prevent the flies from entering the building. If this is not a
practical option, treatments of i.e. the loft space, can be carried
out with an appropriate insecticide preparation that will fill and
treat the entire void space area.
PLEASE NOTE: loft spaces can be roosts
for bats. An inspection for bats must be carried out first, before
any treatment.
Infestations can be controlled through surface sprays and specialist
crack and crevice treatments.
Contact us as our expertise helps us to help you. Health and safety is paramount when dealing with nuisance pests.